Beg your pardon, I didn't realize this.  Is all the code documented this way?  If not, I may be able to help add it.

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 16:58, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 22:50, A. Lloyd Flanagan wrote:
> I'd like to suggest that for the future we might want to use a tool like
> javadoc.  This would allow the documentation for the classes/functions
> to be included in the source code and automatically extracted to HTML. 
> This is a great way to the basic documentation for the classes, although
> you still have to do overviews, how-tos, etc.
we are already using gtk-doc, which does the same, but for C and GTK. If
you install gtk-doc-tools and docbook, the documentation about the
calendar APIs should be built in evolution/doc/devel


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