On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 01:00, Ronald Kuetemeier wrote:
> Ok,
> here is my theory about how I think I should see scheduling info
> (free/busy) in evolution.
> 1. Setup a web dav server, for data sharing <works>
> 2. Put icalendar info onto that server per user <works>
> 3. Add the link to that server into the free/busy field in evolution
>       contacts. <works>
> 4. create meeting seeing the free/busy info from the server <doesn't
> show any busy time, but finds and downloads the file form server>
> I looked at the code but didn't find enough info in a short time where
> the file is parsed and converted into a e-meeting-model(?) .
> Anyway, seems like the file is fetched from the server, even it doesn't
> do a propfind for dav just a get (http), and the meeting gui indicates
> there is data for that user.  I also tried and changed the return mime
> type for the file to text/calendar to no success.  
> So either my icalendar is wrong, I used one from outlook and evolution
> with no success. Or ....

Can you provide the icalendar data for me to look at?

JP Rosevear                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ximian Inc.                             http://www.ximian.com

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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