So you dont like TCL? Its small. Itz fast. Itz stable.
And you get bonus points for making RS really angry;-)


On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 08:30:52PM +0930, Not Zed wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 23:33, Andrew E. Page wrote:
> > Has anyone added a perl interpreter into Evolution?  I would like to use
> > perls "Spam Assassin" module to filter spam.   
> > 
> > If no one is currently taking this on, I'd like to get a CVS snapshot of
> > the code and see about embedding the perl interpreter myself.
> We plan to implement an extension system at some point.  I've done some
> research into it, and if i have anything to do with it:
>  - it will not be perl.  the language sux to maintain and it's heavy to
> add.
>  - it will not be ruby, it is not mt (posix) or even capable of running
> multiple interpreters (unfortunately, i liked the look of it)
>  - it wont be python.  extensions are a lot of code, the language sux
>  - it wont be ecma/javascript, or java
>  - it might be mono's CIL, tho that depends on how heavy/useful it
> is/hard to integrate, and whether there's any real scripting language
> frontend for it (if we're gunna use c-hash we may as well stick to c)
>  - it might be guile.  it would be better if it was mt safe but its
> getting there & u can run multiple interpreters, and is in active
> devel.  its easy to hook in & does gc in a compatible manner.
>  - it cant be corba based as its too bulky to implement, and orbit is a
> big problem with mt code
> of course once the hooks for any language are in, adding more could be
> done via modules or something.  in the end id like to have significant
> functionality moved into the script language too.  which is why it needs
> to be something jeff and i in particular are comfortable with, and needs
> to interact well with existing c code from both above and below.
> _______________________________________________
> evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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