I just joined the list about a few days ago. I'm surprised that there
isn't more traffic on it. Am I missing the main venue somehow? USENET?
IRC? Anyway.

I tried to sync the Memos from my PalmVx using RH 7.3, Desktop 1.4, and
Gnome 1.1.2 (with the extra stuff for syncing Palms thrown in). If I
understand the dialog in the conduit panel, it just makes text files in
some directory. I have two questions about this:

1) I'm not getting anything created in the directory I specified. Is
there more to configure?

2) When, oh when, are Memos going to by synced INSIDE EVOLUTION. I have
a lot of critical information stored in my Memos, and I've been waiting
silently for this feature for as long as I can now. Is there something
inherently difficult about the process, or is it just not a very
widely-requested feature?


evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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