Hi George/Ron,
On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 10:23 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 10:33 -0500, George Reeke wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > One person's "not useful" is another person's "essential."  The answer
> > is to make the toolbar configurable, as I have requested in an earlier
> > posting and have filed on the official feature-request list.
> > Developers:  I hope you are listening.  I am one of those who
> > consider "Move" and "Copy" essential, but would gladly get rid of
> > those unlabelled buttons like the one that looks like a box of
> > Kleenex that does who-knows-what.

Thanks a lot for the inputs.
For all the research that goes into deciding the most user-friendly GUI
- at the end of it - there are always controversies as to which way is
the best. And am afraid, there is nothing like the best way. So
restating what you just said - What you like i might not and what i like
you need not. So its a perfect catch-22 situation, and am sure when the
UI team made a decision and suggested the would surely have made a
calculated decision. 

> Exactly.
> Those of us who have server-side filtering have absolutely *no*
> need for the Junk buttons.
> People gripe about GNOME being dumbed down.  I disagree, since the
> DE should fade into the background.  OTOH, *applications* should
> remain feature-rich and configurable.

Yes. Agreed. GNOME (or for that matter any FOSS) is all about
flexibility and choice and always will be. The development team always
tries to balance between a good UI usability/user
preferences/development constraints. We are always trying to give what
seems a perfect balance. 
Am not just trying to make a politically correct statement here. Am
trying to make a point that UI decisions are difficult to make. And when
a decision is made, there are bound to me inconsistencies, but the
decision is largely based on a sort of consensus. And this is not a days
work, the UI will forever keep going thru changes and modifications, as
there is nothing like *the perfect UI*.

Thanks for your inputs. Me (and the rest of the development team) are
open for suggestions.

A constructive discussion/suggestion helps everybody. Hope i made my
point clear.


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