On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 09:17 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 15:36 -0700, Steve Karmesin wrote:
> > Now that I think about it, I'm not sure that this 'new' flag is
> > crucial.  Whatever method Evo is using to say "give me the new mail"
> > is already doing a good job of getting the mail.  Even if some
> > notifier has tripped some flag about the mail, Evo still gets it.
> This is an excellent point.  I don't have this problem so I'm not
> familiar with Evo's behavior here.  Are you saying that Evo marks the
> messages as unread (by leaving the message summary lines bold, having
> them show up as unread in the folder summary window, etc.) but does not
> filter them?

Yes, Paul, that is exactly the behaviour I experience. 'New' (to me)
messages are retrieved from the IMAP server, but not auto filtered. They
remain in my INBOX as unread messages (in bold). If I select the
'New' (to me) messages and do Ctrl-Y, Evo applies my filters, and acts

> If so, I agree that doesn't make sense.  If Evo knows enough to realize
> that the messages are new and mark them as such in the message summary
> window etc., then why can't it also filter those messages?

It is an interesting distinction that Evo makes, and one that Pete has
explained in his replies in this thread. 'Unread' is not necessarily
'New'. What should Evo do when you mark an old message, viewed already,
as Unread - try to filter it again when you next open Evo or check your
mail using Evo from a different machine?

I can appreciate both sides here - heck I'm still using Evo as my mailer
despite this issue. But from a users point of view, I can see that they
don't care *why* it doesn't work, or even that Evo *is* doing the right
thing, all they care about is that Evo won't filter their new messages.

> This may require some insight from the Evo developers.

Yes, and hopefully some common ground can be sought that might rectify
this issue.



 Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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