An e-mail that I forwarded reappeared in my Outbox. When I delete it
from the outbox, and then attempt to empty the Trash folder (using
File-->Empty Trash), I get an Evolution Error dialog: Error while
Expunging folder. Error storing '~/.evolution/mail/local/Outbox (mbox)':
Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync.

If I undelete the message, it returns to the Outbox. If I resend it, it
goes out, but a copy reappears in my Trash folder, where the whole cycle
begins again.

If I move it from Outbox to any other folder, a copy goes into the Trash
folder as well. I even tried creating a new folder, moving the offending
file to that folder, and then deleting the folder. The folder
disappears, but the message reappears in the Trash folder (where, once
again the cycle begins again).

How can I get rid of this file and break the cycle?
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