If you exit evolution and delete the Trash file, when you re-enter
evolution, it will recreate the Trash file without the offending e-mail.

On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 13:46 -0400, Donald E. Holt wrote:

> An e-mail that I forwarded reappeared in my Outbox. When I delete it
> from the outbox, and then attempt to empty the Trash folder (using
> File-->Empty Trash), I get an Evolution Error dialog: Error while
> Expunging folder. Error storing '~/.evolution/mail/local/Outbox
> (mbox)': Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync.
> If I undelete the message, it returns to the Outbox. If I resend it,
> it goes out, but a copy reappears in my Trash folder, where the whole
> cycle begins again.
> If I move it from Outbox to any other folder, a copy goes into the
> Trash folder as well. I even tried creating a new folder, moving the
> offending file to that folder, and then deleting the folder. The
> folder disappears, but the message reappears in the Trash folder
> (where, once again the cycle begins again).
> How can I get rid of this file and break the cycle? 
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