Right, we did steal the thread a bit, but with related thing, thus
should not be so bad. :)

There has been committed patch in 2.21.9x development cycle which did
ensure any message will be selected after delete (or hide the mesage in
general). It tries to find the nearest one with respect to scrollbar
position, but is involved only when the delete command didn't change to
other message itself.

I know about other method how to unselect message in a list, it's enough
to multiselect more than one message in a folder and change folder to
some other and back. Does it worth bug report? If yes, then feel free to
do it, it should not be too hard to store focused row instead of
selected row when there is multiselected more than one message in a
message list.

The answer, at this moment, is: that may be better in latest version,
(2.22) but still can be improved for some cases.
For unnecessary sorting, +1 for won't fix, I'm sorry.

On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 17:27 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
> I think what the original person meant is that if you have no message
> selected and something happens to the folder, the system automatically
> selects message number 1 which invariably means that the view
> immediately scrolls to the top of the list.  As the original poster
> said, this most often happens if you delete a message, then expunge -
> the message you did have selected has disappeared and so the system
> doesn't know where to go.
> I have some sympathy with the devs.  If you delete & expunge a message
> in the middle of the folder list, which message should then be
> highlighted - if it's an unthreaded view, then just select the next in
> the list - but if it's a threaded view, the next message may be in
> some
> distant thread and it would be counter intuitive.  So they obviously
> went for message number 1.
> P. 

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