On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 20:41 +0100, Spencer Caplin wrote:

> In a browser I can get to (once
> authenticated)https://emailserver.com/ews/exchange.asmx. However when
> I open evolution and setup using the same host url i get "No Response:
> Internal Server Error". It doesn't ask me to authenticate so not sure
> whats happening ? where would i find logs for the connection and what
> its trying to do ?

run evolution as follows, which will show all the communication between
evolution and the server on console:
   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution

> Code:
> https://firstname.surn...@company.co.uk@outlook.company.co.uk/EWS/Exchange.asmx
> with username of firstname.surn...@company.co.uk and work fine, so i
> know EWS works and is support from my exchange server.

I would try to write
in Username entry in account Preferences, and
in Host URL entry, and save these settings. Note such change requires
evolution's restart, thus do not forget to close evolution and run it
again, which will use these new settings.

By the way, what is the version of evolution and evolution-ews?

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