The interesting thing about my problem is it just started suddenly. All of
a sudden it began flagging every SSL cert as "BAD". I don't know what
triggered this. I can't think of a specific change that was made that
caused this to happen. I'm running two different machines each with the
same GNU/Linux Distribution and each with the same version of evolution and
only one machine is having this problem. I'm not sure what mechanism checks
these certs so I'm not sure where to look for the problem at. I can accept
the cert and it never asks again but it seems like it shouldn't be flagging
these in the first place. The first SSL cert it flagged was for google
itself. It was for when I first opened evolution that day.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 12:33 AM, Milan Crha <> wrote:

> On Wed, 2013-02-06 at 21:38 -0700, Matt Ivie wrote:
> > I'm having a recent problem with Evolution 3.2.2. Everytime there is
> > an SSL cert it is flagged as "BAD". It doesn't matter who it's from.
> > It is indicating the proper issuing authorities (or seems to be). I am
> > not behind any kind of a proxy or anything like that. I tried asking
> > this question in the evolution irc channel but I must have picked a
> > bad time because I didn't get any response.
> >
> > Where can I start in trying to solve this problem?
>         Hi,
> if I got your question right, the "BAD" certificate is usually when the
> server uses either self-signed certificate, or it's signed by an
> authority which you do not trust. Another option, thought I think it's
> not in your 3.2.x, is that you wrote different host name than the
> certificate is issued for, or the server redirected the connection to
> another host.
> In 3.8.x you'll be presented with certificate itself, thus you will be
> able to examine the certificate.
> Currently, you should be able to tell it "Accept Permanently", to
> indicate it's fine from your point of view, and the certificate will be
> saved and it'll be noted that this is correct. Then you'll not be asked
> for the acceptance again (or you should not be at least, even in 3.2.x).
>         Bye,
>         Milan
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