On Fri, 2013-02-08 at 14:06 -0700, Matt Ivie wrote:
> I'm either not following you 100% or we're talking about two different
> things. What I'm seeing isn't from messages being signed or encrypted
> but from messages that have html content where the content is coming
> from a server using ssl. The other exception was the SSL for
> imap.gmail.com and smtp.gmail.com.

yes, I'm talking about SSL server certificates too, not about GPG or
S/MIME. You get the BAD SSL certificate dialog when connecting to a
server using SSL connection only when NSS/NSPR wasn't able to verify the
server's SSL certificate issuer, which can happen either when:
a) the server uses self-signed certificates, or
b) you do not have issuer's certificate (authority) in your
   certificate database, or
c) you do not trust the issuer.
There can happen other reasons too, but the above are the most common.
Just check the preferences as I described in the 'previous - 1' message,
that place is not used only for S/MIME encryption/signing certificates.

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