On Sat, 2017-12-23 at 14:32 +1300, M wrote:
> Sorry all, I've been busy lately. 
> As previously discussed, I wish to have mail sorted so that first any
> UNREAD messages are at the top, then sort by date in a descending
> order. 
> I currently have sort-by-status then sort-by-date but that does not work
> as there's a message that is unread but has something else with its
> status, therefore it sits well down the list. 

There's a bug filed for that:


If it's something that affects you, then you need to add comments to
the bug report so it gets to the top of the devs list.

> Currently running 3.12.9 on Devuan
But nothing is going to happen with that version - it's just too old
and unsupported.


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