On Tue, 2021-05-18 at 22:58 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Do you have IMAPX enabled for the account?

Yes, it's an "imapx" account type and I have Quick Resync enabled (I
don't know of gmail supports it though) and also "listen for server
change notifications" is checked.

I have "Check for new messages in all folders" unchecked, but "check
for new messages in subscribed folders" checked.  I'm not sure what
would happen if I unchecked that; the docs are not really clear about
exactly what that means and how these options interact.

Oddly I have "show only subscribed folders" unchecked, and yet I only
see my subscribed folders not my unsubscribed folders.

I have all "Options" such as applying filters disabled since I have
created gmail filter rules to filter my email instead.

At the moment my email is fast again.  It's pretty clearly something on
the server side.  Which means I'm unlikely to ever be able to resolve
it and will have to wait and see if Google does something about it.

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