On Tue, 2021-05-18 at 19:12 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 2021-05-18 at 22:58 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > Do you have IMAPX enabled for the account?
> Yes, it's an "imapx" account type and I have Quick Resync enabled (I
> don't know of gmail supports it though) and also "listen for server
> change notifications" is checked.

Gmail doesn't support Quick-Resync extension at the moment.

> I have "Check for new messages in all folders" unchecked, but "check
> for new messages in subscribed folders" checked.  I'm not sure what
> would happen if I unchecked that; the docs are not really clear about
> exactly what that means and how these options interact.

The Inbox is always checked, the rest are there to tweak which folders
are checked and which not. When I open folder Properties (context menu
in the folder tree), I see there "Always check for new mail in this
folder"; I'd guess your version has it too. Then you can turn off check
for new mail in the subscribed folders and set only few folders for the
automatic check.

> Oddly I have "show only subscribed folders" unchecked, and yet I only
> see my subscribed folders not my unsubscribed folders.

That's really odd. The folder can disappear when it's unsubscribed, but
the next start it'll appear. It's an old bug, though a hard one to
address, because it means to expose an option specific to IMAP in
Evolution, which is rather bad. Or it should be done somehow in IMAPx,
I do not know.


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