On Mon, 2021-06-07 at 16:38 +0100, Steve T via evolution-list wrote:
> So the list isn't a 'reminder' of future events - more a data check
> list?

yes, that's correct. You can see all your events in the calendar.

> But even then to verify events in any month I'd have to go back to
> day 1 (in my case 2003) and go through each year to build a picture
> of a month - is that right? 


> Can I ask what people would use the list view for now?

Check the bug report I referenced earlier. There is the use case.

My understanding is: people want to see what they have defined in the
calendar and eventually cleanup or anything like that the events from
there. There was no such place for it in the past.

> That's not meant as a criticism in anyway, just that I may be missing
> something that I hadn't thought of using!

That's okay, I just removed functionality you've been used to. Such
things hurt (I know that, it happened to me too in the past, with other

What is the biggest problem of the Month View for you that you do not
use it, please? do you have many events per day, thus they all are not
visible in the day rectangle?


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