Hi all -

With apologies for the lengthy title: I'm hoping someone can help me solve
two different (potentially related?) issues with Evolution EWS. I'm using
Evolution EWS on a FreeBSD OpenBox desktop, wherein I experience two
different problems:

1. Evolution frequently cannot find the folders in my account, displaying
results like the two attached files. In the event the list scrubs
attachments, in #1, the folder names never populate - but unread counts do;
> Work [account name]
  > blank folder icon
  > blank folder icon
  > blank folder icon
  > blank folder icon
  > inbox icon
  > blank folder icon (null) (34)
  > blank folder icon (null) (4325)

and in attachment #2, in concurrence with the above problem, I see a
warning message above my Inbox:
"Failed to open folder.
The reported error was "No such folder: Drafts".
"Failed to refresh folder "Work : folder://some-long-hash-value/zabbix".
The reported error was "No such folder: zabbix".

2. Sometimes those problems go away with a restart and I can use/navigate
my folders normally, with the exception of expunging: if I delete an email,
it will go to my Deleted messages directory but I'm unable to expunge the
directory (or the email(s) inside).

What can I provide to try resolving these problems? Any advice or thoughts
would be greatly appreciated!

OS: FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p4
Evolution version info: evolution-3.42.1

Many thanks for your time and trouble.
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