On Fri, 2022-05-20 at 18:25 +0800, Netsol.link wrote:
> Ok an other way (a bit radical but should work) is to save the inbox
> and all the sub-foldersĀ (i have a lot) as mbox and on the receiving
> computer delete all the emails in the inbox and all the sub-folders
> and
> their content, empty trash and then import the mbox. not sure if I
> should also delete the 'send' folder as I'm not sure if it would be
> included in the mbox? Or I use webmail to trim down the emails to
> just
> those that I want to keep and then I can download the ones to keep
> from
> my devices (they all setup to leave mail on server). Only problem is
> that I have 6 emails so have to login/logout 6 times!

[Please don't top-post on this list]

To reiterate what Pete and Andre have said: the best solution to all
this is to use IMAP. You say you're already leaving messages on the
server, so there's no reason not to do this. You will avoid all the
headaches of copying stuff back and forth, (mis)-using the Backup
function or futzing around with file internals.

If your mail service supports IMAP, that's what you should be using.
There is no reason to keep using POP if you have the option of

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