On 05 Jul 2001 15:32:15 +0000, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> This depends on WHICH pop3 server.  Cucipop, for one, does NOT delete 
> messages until quit. 
> Others may do things differently.

If the server sticks to the protocol then messages are not deleted until
the Server enters Update State i.e quit cmd is sent.

Otherwise the server is not following the POP3 protocol if it deletes
the message immediately.


 _____ _         _       _____
| __  | |___ ___| |_ ___|   __|_ _ ___   Alex "Muttley" Stansfield
| __ -| | .'|  _| '_|___|__   | | |   |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|_____|_|__,|___|_,_|   |_____|___|_|_|      www.linuxbadboy.co.uk
            S o f t w a r e

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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