On 05 Jul 2001 18:32:56 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> So sprach Xavier Bestel am Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 05:11:48PM +0200:
> > Perhaps Evo should borrow fetchmail's code and put such an option in the
> > settings ?
> Uhm, perhaps Evo should dump all it's POP3 code and just call
> fetchmail?  That seems to me the much better alternative, as it is a
> lot more flexible.

And force end-users to figure out yet-another nasty config file format
for some command-line tool? I think not.

> I never quite understood, why so many "modern" Unix MUAs actually know
> POP3.  IMAP is good and fine and really should be handled by a MUA,
> instead of by fetchmail.  But POP3 not.

Probably because fork()'ing to an external program is really limiting by
not allowing true integration with the client. This is why libraries are
preferred over fork()'ing and exec()'ing. It's like, hmmm - should I
fork() to gzip or link to zlib? I dunno about you, but I'd take zlib any
day over forking.

Besides, POP isn't a very complicated protocol and we support damn near
everything that fetchmail does and we will never have to worry about
commandline flag changes, config file format changes, or anything else.


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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