On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 05:10, Michael Hanline wrote:
> Hello,
> This has been bugging me a fair bit.
> I downloaded Ximian desktop the other day and find it pretty good.
> When using red carpet, I try to get Ximian evolution, and it tells me
> I have a failed dependency - libpisock.so.3.
> So, what I usually do is I goto rpmfind.net and get my required
> package.
> But this package is already installed.
> I then decided to have a look around in the /usr/lib directory and
> found
> I do have the lib there: libpisock.so.3 (which is a symlink to
> libpisock.so.3.0.1).  Why is rpm saying I don't have libpisock.so.3
> when
> it's in my libs, and the package that it is included with is already
> installed too?
> Is this a problem with Evolution, or a prob with my system?
> If anyone would be so kind as to explain how and why this problem
> occured. There isn't a lot of literature on the web related to
> resolving
> dependencies like this.
> I could force --nodeps, but I'd rather keep the db in order.
> Regards,
> Michael
> P.S. i know of others who have had the same problem as me.  we're both
> using Redhat 7.1.

I had the same problem - I couldn't install Evolution from the Evolution
snapshot channel on red carpet.  Turns out that you should install
Evolution 1.0 from the Ximian GNOME Desktop channel instead (I'm using
Evolution to write this message).

BTW, anyone know why it seems that Evo snapshots aren't being created
any more?


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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