> example, our calendaring at the moment is p2p, right?  How will Evo(GPL)
> handle this when Evo(Proprietary) appears?

(As mentioned by Nat, Evo == GPL, the Connector is a plug-in.)

> Is it really planned to
> have a version of iCal that wanders around client->client as well as a
> version that talks to servers?

iCalendar is just a data format (for describing events, meetings, tasks,
etc.).  iMIP describes how to send iCalendar objects by mail (which
Evolution and Outlook both support). There is a protocol called CAP that
describes how to talk to calendar servers, but it isn't finished yet.

Anyway, as far as Evolution is concerned, the Exchange server is just
another backend that it can read and write iCalendar objects to/from.
The Connector deals with the details of talking to the server and doing
what translation is necessary. People using the Connector will still be
able to do p2p scheduling with people who aren't, etc. Does that answer
your question?

-- Dan

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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