Hi all

first of all, thanks a lot for this great Mail User Agent :) It really
rocks, and sylpheed had to leave for it.

But I wouldn't post here if I had only positive comments on evolution
1.0.1. So let's get to business :) Check this screenshot:
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~gimli/evolutiontrouble.png (44 KB). As
you can see the text that is used for the news feeds is pretty fscked
up. The first feed is freshmeat, the second is slashdot. This problem
exists with all locales (I tried C/POSIX and my normal locale
nl_NL@euro), so it's not a translation issue. I also have the feeling it
makes the summary crash, because when I remove the feeds from the
summary, suddenly it doesn't crash anymore :) I'm experiencing more
crashes BTW, for example the filter dialog is pretty unstable and so is
the address book. I don't have straces, if you need them please tell me
:) Anyways, I'd really appreciate it if you can come up with a solution.

FYI: I'm using no distribution, but Linux From Scratch. All my Gnome
packages are the latest stable packages, installed according to the
Gnome Installation Guide (well, with many modifications to suit my own
needs :). I've built Evolution myself as well, just with some prefix
settings and --with-db3=/opt/db3.

I'm not subscribed to this list so I'd like to ask you to CC replies to


- A Cow.

Marc Heerdink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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