On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 20:43, Ian Goldberg wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > RH7.1, evolution versions since the middle of last year.
> > 
> > I use fetchmail to get my mail from various servers and spool it on my
> > local machine. I use pop to get it into evolution from my local machine.
> > What I've noticed is that mail which has an applicable filter to put it
> > in another folder (besides inbox) is processed almost immediately, while
> > mail that is destined for inbox (no filter applies) takes roughly 30
> > seconds. Anybody know why or how to fix this?
> Is your inbox huge?  That could slow down additions to it.
>    - Ian

No, this happens with even just one small test message in my spool and
nothing in inbox. I also tried it with "local delivery" instead of pop.
There's a big file called mbox.ibex. What is that? I tried renaming it
to xxx.mbox.ibex.xxx but it didn't help, and the timestamp on it still
gets updated after mail retrieval even with it's new name. Should I
delete it? Also the CPU goes to 90+ % during the retrieval time.

[jweber@ceora Inbox]$ pwd
[jweber@ceora Inbox]$ ls -l
total 20868
-rw-r--r--    1 jweber   jweber        103 Jul 24  2001 folder-metadata.xml
-rw-rw-r--    1 jweber   jweber         95 Jan 29 13:19 local-metadata.xml
-rw-------    1 jweber   jweber          0 Jan 29 21:15 mbox
-rw-------    1 jweber   jweber      43885 Jan 29 21:15 mbox.ev-summary
-rw-------    1 jweber   jweber   21286144 Jan 29 21:15 mbox.ibex
[jweber@ceora Inbox]$ 

John S. Weber

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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