On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 21:28, John Weber wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 20:43, Ian Goldberg wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > RH7.1, evolution versions since the middle of last year.
> > > 
> > > I use fetchmail to get my mail from various servers and spool it on my
> > > local machine. I use pop to get it into evolution from my local machine.
> > > What I've noticed is that mail which has an applicable filter to put it
> > > in another folder (besides inbox) is processed almost immediately, while
> > > mail that is destined for inbox (no filter applies) takes roughly 30
> > > seconds. Anybody know why or how to fix this?
> > 
> > Is your inbox huge?  That could slow down additions to it.
> > 
> >    - Ian
> > 
> No, this happens with even just one small test message in my spool and
> nothing in inbox. I also tried it with "local delivery" instead of pop.
> There's a big file called mbox.ibex. What is that? I tried renaming it
> to xxx.mbox.ibex.xxx but it didn't help, and the timestamp on it still
> gets updated after mail retrieval even with it's new name. Should I
> delete it? Also the CPU goes to 90+ % during the retrieval time.
> [jweber@ceora Inbox]$ pwd
> /home/jweber/evolution/local/Inbox
> [jweber@ceora Inbox]$ ls -l
> total 20868
> -rw-r--r--    1 jweber   jweber        103 Jul 24  2001 folder-metadata.xml
> -rw-rw-r--    1 jweber   jweber         95 Jan 29 13:19 local-metadata.xml
> -rw-------    1 jweber   jweber          0 Jan 29 21:15 mbox
> -rw-------    1 jweber   jweber      43885 Jan 29 21:15 mbox.ev-summary
> -rw-------    1 jweber   jweber   21286144 Jan 29 21:15 mbox.ibex
> [jweber@ceora Inbox]$ 

OK. I went ahead and got rid of the mbox.ibex file and the problem is
fixed. What is this file for? Everything works after deleting it. It did
get recreated, but much smaller. It's mostly filled with zeros. Does
this file continually grow and need periodic pruning?

John S. Weber

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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