Before I begin, let me apologize if I'm in the wrong place.  I've asked
about this on the Users list and got no bites;  it's not clear to me
what the charter of the two lists is (ie, what should go where), so I
thought I'd try over here.

I have a Handspring Visor Prism with a USB cradle.  From the command
line I can use pilot-xfer to list the contents of the Visor and back it
up, so I know that I have it configured correctly on /dev/pilot.

>From Evolution, I choose Tools->Pilot Settings, and am taken into Pilot
Link.  I work my way through to where it wants to connect, being sure to
press the hot-sync button on the cradle *before* I hit Next to go to
that screen (though I've done it afterwards, too).  Nothing happens;  it
times out.  I have sync'd this Visor with Outlook, but the same nothing
happens whether I chose "yes I have sync'd" or "no I have not".

It seems that I can get a little farther if I knock the connection speed
down to 19.2 or below;  the Visor will chirp and display "Identifying
user" but then it times out as before.  Changing the timeout value does
not help.

After doing this, gpilotd is left running, and pilot-xfer will no longer
work.  It complains about a "weird packet" and aborts.  If I kill the
two gpilotd processes, then pilot-xfer works again.

What the heck am I doing wrong????  I have searched and looked at every
howto I could find;  it seems that some people have it working and
others say there's a Ximian bug that needs to be fixed.




evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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