On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 22:22, Eric Lambart wrote:
> It's been said on the list (I have standard ports, I have not tried it)
> that ports can always be specified with a ":" after the address (i.e.
> "mail.sentex.net:465"

That works, thanks.

> Although if you want to use SMTPS you should probably just be telling
> Evo to use SSL (on same page as the address specifier--"Use secure
> connection (SSL): Always").  Since 465 is the default port for SMTPS
> this should work fine without having to specify it.

:(  I don't have the option to use SSL.  Just updating my ports, then
I'll see if this is a compile-time flag...  Thanks.

  - Damian

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