On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 14:07, Marco Tabini wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 13:46, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> > [no cc:s please, I read the list]
> Fair enough. Sorry about that.

I am really happy that I learned how to create a "Reply to List" toolbar
button by following this list.

> > > And exactly what happens if *you* happen to disagree with spamassassin?
> > 
> > I tweak the rules. It's occasionally necessary, but by now bogofilter
> > works very well so I give it more and more weight. I'd say there's <1%
> > false negatives and <.1% false positives (and those are mostly from
> > discussions about spam, sometimes containing parts of actual spam
> > messages - so I can understand that the system gets confused).
> My point is, wouldn't it be better if the system were able to learn to
> tweak its own rules, particularly if you could train it to do so
> directly from within Evo, rather than by having to change the rules
> manually? I'm not interested in creating "the Spamassassin killer"
> (pardon the pun)--I'd rather learn from it--but perhaps there is a more
> convenient solution.

I think you are really onto something with this convenience thing, but
not sure I understand why you aren't sharing the source, especially
since -- from my understanding -- it is an add it to an open source
MUA.  Seems a bit incongruous.  Besides the knowledgeable users who
could help contribute useful suggestions, there are a number of
development team members on the list who could provide help with
Evolution's hooks and APIs.  Its your perogative, though.
Arthur S. Alexion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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