On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:59 PM, Johann George wrote:

Thanks for all the comments on the MPI sessions.  Our primary interest
should be to make the MPI sessions as valuable as possible to the
audience that is attending.  My allotment was based on discussion with
the presenters having decided to limit it to those MPIs that were
included as part of OFED due to time constraints.  Granted, this was
entirely subjective.

I think it's definitely important to have feedback from Intel and HP, particularly since they have not been given a voice in this venue before (I'm not saying that we've been exclusionary -- I'm saying that I'd be very interested to hear what they have to say). Give all the MPI's either 45 or 60 minutes and split the time evenly; I think that will do fine.

I think I'm saying essentially the same things that I've said before, so I'll butt out now...

BTW: I know that being "the schedule guy" is a serious hassle. Many thanks for doing this, Johann!

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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