On Jan 29, 2008 9:20 AM, Vu Pham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are two include paths. The first one is
> /usr/local/include/scst and the second one are
> drivers/infiniband/ulp/srpt. Therefore, building srpt in
> ofed will always use the /usr/local/include/scst path first
> and if you already install scst then there won't be any problem
> As you already know /usr/local/include/scst/scsi_tgt.h is
> not userspace header. SCST is not part of kernel yet; srpt
> is also not part of kernel

Please remove drivers/infiniband/ulp/srpt/scsi_tgt.h and scst_const.h
from the OFED distribution. It's better that the SRP target doesn't
build if SCST was not yet installed instead of having to experience a
kernel crash when OFED was built before SCST.

> > All this trouble can be avoided by distributing the SRP target code
> > with SCST instead of with OFED.
> The same problem would appear if someone use different ofed
> versions

Personally I never use OFED kernel modules built from the OFED source
distribution but instead I use the InfiniBand kernel modules included
with the Linux distribution in use. This guarantees consistence
between the kernel core and the InfiniBand kernel modules. And
whenever I use the SRP target code, I copy it to the kernel source
tree and build it from there instead of relying on the OFED kernel
build process.

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