On 09:02 Wed 09 Jul     , Tziporet Koren wrote:
> Sasha Khapyorsky wrote:
>> Hi Tziporet,
>> On 18:01 Sun 06 Jul     , Tziporet Koren wrote:
>>> This is the list of libraries in OFED
>>> We wish to define which are the libraries that are public and their API
>>> is being preserved from release to release.
>> I agree with this concept and suggest to keep only "public" and "others"
>> lists. Actually to have only "public" list (libraries with stable API)
>> should be enough.
>>> There are libraries I already classified, and there are some I am not
>>> sure about
>>> Each owner - please reply regarding the libraries that are under unknown
>>> Also - if I missed any library please add it to the list
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tziporet
>>> Public:
>>> =======
>>> * libibcommon
>> I wanted to remove (merge with libibumad and libibmad) libibcommon yet
>> in OFED 1.3 (we discussed this on the list). Not sure I will be able to
>> do it now (in OFED 1.4 timeframe), but at least let's move it from
>> "public" list.
> Has anyone using this library now?

Nobody directly (AFAIK), but via libibumad. I guess -libcommon is listed
as part of LDFLAGS in some ibutils Makefile (this is why I didn't want
to make a "noise" during 1.3 release cycle).

> If not we can remove it to the private list

I would suggest to not have a "private" list at all - only "public".

Basically I see nothing wrong in using a "private" libraries by others.
Just think that it should be clear which OFED libraries have stable API.

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