On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 10:45 -0500, Jon Mason wrote:
> The issue is having customers breaking when installing OFED due to them using 
> a kernel that was not in existance when that version of OFED shipped (and 
> thus should not be supported).  This should be prevented from occuring (and 
> should be fairly easy to do).

Agreed.  It should be obvious, very early that the desired kernel is not
(yet) supported.

> There will always be a window between the latest kernel coming out (of 
> whatever flavor) and OFED's support of it.

Indeed.  This is even true of Lustre.  However that window should not be
open until the next "scheduled" release given that the release cycle is
6 months or more.  We cut new releases that contain just the new kernel
support when new kernels warrant it.  I guess that's all I'm saying.

> Unless OFED is changed to a release model where its releases coincide with 
> distro releases.

That doesn't work either.  There will always be unscheduled errata
releases made to deal with urgent issues.

I guess what I am promoting here is "bugfix" OFED releases that include
newer kernel backport support on an as-needed basis.


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