Hi all
How's everyone doing?
I am novice to macro, I need a help from you guys. I hope it should be simple.
Present Scenario:
I have a macro which remove non-breaking space from all the cells at once in the worksheet. (If anyone need, I can share the code).
Usefulness of the Macro: When you copy data from the internet and paste in an excel worksheet, it contains lot of spaces before and after, and when you want to perform some calculation it doesn't give desired result. This macro removes spaces before and after so that your calculation (life) becomes easy.
This macro stops working beyond the point where the it finds a merged cell. To overcome this, I need to select all the cells of the worksheet and then Go to Format > Cells and  click uncheck merge cells (as shown in image). This is tedious repetitive job since I have about 30 worksheets.
A macro which automatically merges all the cells of the worksheet (if possible-entire workbook).


Warm Regards
Praveen Khunte

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