Nadine S wrote:
> I have a worosheet with cokumns for 20+ payments. 

Please, if you want to get help from others, make sure that your
posting is not full of typos. It makes reading quite hard.

> These columns track the date
> it was entered for payment, amount, check date, record number for each of the
> 20+ columns. 

Just out of curiousity: How many columns arel you going to insert into
the worksheet? Is there any limit? You should note that Excel 2003 and
older can only cope with 255 columns.

> In another sheet, I want to sum the amount entered and the amount paid by 
> line. 
> Meaning, row 2 on sheet 1 ties to row 2 on sheet 2 so I don't need to do 
> lookups
> or sumif type.  At least I don't think so.  :) 
> So, I have a formula that sums all the amounts entered but now I need one to 
> sum
> the amounts is there is a check date  and record number. 

I don't quite get what you want to achieve (sorry, but your English is
not so good). I guess that what you wanted to say is that you want to
get the sum of all payments that have their "Check Date" field set. If
so, you can use the following formula for cell Amount Paid:

Note that this works only for the currently defined columns. If you
add more columns, you'll have to edit formulas for "Amount Entered"
and "Amount Paid". As there is a limit to the length of a formula, you
may get in trouble even before you run out of columns.

> I've attached a file as a sample that I think will help you to understand. 
> Thanks for everyone's help.

It looks to me as if your workbook should be able to handle lots of
rows (which probably stand for some client) and lots of payments. In
that case you'll get sooner of later into trouble if you want to get
all data into a single sheet. You can get around this if you (a) use
Excel 2010, or (b) use a simple database, for example Access. The
later has the benefit that more than one user can enter data.


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