Hi All,

I need your help, as I’m unable to solve the problem which I’m going
to explain you guys……..
Please refer the attached the excel with two tabs “Data” and “Report”
On Data tab I have three columns loaded and Date and hours. Now I need
a macro code to generate a report actually the cross between Date and
Hours(we don’t have duplicate hours in date) and the we have max 22
hours in a date .  if we have particular hours is the Data tab under a
date then we need to flag the value with “Yes” under the fixed
location of that hours in Report Tab.

I hope you guys understand what I need. I cannot use pivot table.
If you look into the attached excel you will get an idea what I need.
Please help me guys…….
Thanks in advance

Thanks and Reagrd’s

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Attachment: Sample Data.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

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