Need urgent help in excel project
Process flows as follows

Call center make appointments

Generate the appointment file by clicking export button & send the
file to call centre

Call center manger receive all the files from tele marketers and do
quality check  ( approved , rejected , reschduled )

rejected appoints goes to tele back ***

approved & re-schedule appointment send to sales manager

Sales manger assign the app to the sales rep

Export the file ( which auto creates in name of sales rep he assigned
the job , easy to email directly)

the sales guy import to  its screen and leave feedback after attending
the appointment ( signed, not inetrested, pipeline(need to meet
again)  )

all the signed sales then open a form which he need to fill with all
the details provided in the form.

after all the signed forms filled up  which auto creates the file in
clients name, then he send the details to operations

operations import the file and check all details & then go by 6 steps
which is y/n
paperwork completed.
claw back

that's whole process

apart from that few more sheets to be made which can be edited by
mangement anytime  like

User                             create user details , pay structure ,
targets etc

Note: if we can make the whole as master file and when user created it
also auto cretae the sheets specified for the user so he can work and
just export/import data for inetrface

Product                         all the plans , handset given on each
plan commissions for plans , bonus eligibility

Generate pipeline of all reps with their names in single sheets
( attchemnts given for reference)

Pay file and print preview

rest we can discuss on later

I am happy to give some amount in return for that as well

Contact me at

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