It's ok then?
The original post said:

1, Every month I want to copy all files that are 1 month old (these 
are all .PDF files) from folder A to folder B. 

So, we determine the date from (1) month ago:
OldDate = DateAdd("m", -1, DateValue(Now()))

and move any file older than that date.

So, today (1/1/2011), no files from October would be moved,
but anything from September would be moved.

Have I misunderstood your requirement?
Did you mean files that are EXACTLY one month old?

     If (DateDiff("d", OldDate, fDate)  = 0) Then

or files that are LESS than 1 month old?

     If (DateDiff("d", OldDate, fDate) > 0) Then

“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.” - John Wesley

From: Dave <>
Sent: Tue, November 1, 2011 12:50:11 PM
Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Copy Files & then go back amd delete them

Here is how I have your script with all the mods you suggested. Its
still not copying the files from October 2011. Move command will not
work as it screws with permissions etc.

When I run the script the Window says Old Files: 10/1/2011 and then it
lists all the files created in September 2011.

Sub Archive_Files()
    Dim fso, fldr, flc, f, fName, Fil, fDate
    Dim OldDate
    Dim Folder_From, Folder_To
    Dim msg, msg2

    Folder_From = "P:\test\From\" 'Note: trailing "\" is significant!
    Folder_To = "P:\test\to\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  ' OldDate = DateAdd("m", -1, Now())  'Determines date 1 month ago
    OldDate = DateAdd("m", -1, DateValue(Now()))

        ' msg = "Old Files: "
        msg = "Old Files: " & OldDate
        msg2 = "Recent Files:"

    If fso.folderexists(Folder_From) Then
        Set fldr = fso.getfolder(Folder_From)
        Set flc = fldr.Files
        For Each f In flc
            fName = Folder_From & "\" & f.Name
            Set Fil = fso.getfile(fName)
            fDate = Fil.datelastmodified
            If (DateDiff("d", OldDate, fDate) <= 1) Then
                msg = msg & Chr(13) & Format(DateDiff("d", OldDate,
fDate), "0000") & " " & Format(fDate, "mm-dd-yyyy") & "    " & f.Name
                fso.copyfile fName, Folder_To
                If (fso.fileexists(Folder_To & f.Name)) Then
                    fso.deletefile (fName)
                End If
                msg2 = msg2 & Chr(13) & Format(DateDiff("d", OldDate,
fDate), "0000") & " " & Format(fDate, "mm-dd-yyyy") & "    " & f.Name
            End If
        MsgBox msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & msg2
    End If
End Sub

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