Hi Charlie,
Please check and try this code, if it helps...

'-------standard Module---------
Sub *GenerateList*()
   ' sitiVi / jakarta 23 Dec 2011
   ' in answering:
   ' http://groups.google.com/group/ _
   ' excel-macros/browse_thread/thread/9dbda650f1d09d65#
   Dim ArDir As Variant, iDir As Integer
   ' please edit this list of Path..
   ArDir = Array(*"C:\MyData", "F\", "E:\", "D\xFolder\yFolder"*)
   '             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   For iDir = LBound(ArDir) To UBound(ArDir)
      Call ListFiles(ArDir(iDir))
   Next iDir
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
   Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub

Private Sub *ListFiles*(ByVal SpecifiedDir As String)
   ' sitiVi / jakarta 23 Dec 2011
   ' in answering:
   ' http://groups.google.com/group/ _
   ' excel-macros/browse_thread/thread/9dbda650f1d09d65#
   Dim vFName As Variant, RowN As Long
   RowN = Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
   If RowN = 1 Then RowN = 0
   With Application.FileSearch
      .LookIn = SpecifiedDir
      .SearchSubFolders = True
      .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
  REM .Execute
      If .Execute > 0 Then
         For Each vFName In .FoundFiles
            RowN = RowN + 1
            ActiveSheet.Cells(RowN, 1).Value = SpecifiedDir
            ActiveSheet.Cells(RowN, 2).Value = vFName
      End If
   End With
End Sub
'----------end of code -------------

Looking forward to hear if this code works (or not)..

Thx, Best regards & Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
siti Vi

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Cab Boose <swch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> There are plenty of solutions for listing open excel files.
> I would like to list all excel workbooks on my C:  and F: drives.   They
are all over the place. My bad housekeeping!
> How do I get the complete address for each workbook ?   either with a
hyperlink or not.  But do need to print out the list.
> Using Excel 2000 at the moment but soon hopefully to upgrade to 2003
> Thanks & Merry Christmas to all
> regards
> Charlie

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