fake or not..I reported this to the FBI by phone and john reported to
website http://www.ifccfbi.gov/

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, John Allhiser wrote:

> From a search on google:
> >AP. US officials say Osama bin Laden is posting instructions for
> terrorist
> activities
> >on sports chat rooms, pornographic bulletin boards and other Web sites.
> ...
> The USA Today link was dead.  The blurb was enough to pique my
> curiosity.
> A little further digging, and this came up:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&frame=right&th=54ab4d241c34e0cc&se
> ekm=
> 8264f396.0109111411.6a8f8275%40posting.google.com
> (The link wraps)
> Notice the subject "re:911" (or 09/11/2001) and pay attention to the
> dates.
> I know, "it's the Internet..." but it is quite ominous.  Don't you
> think?
> John Allhiser

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