Yes it's possible. However the value is dubious. There's nothing I couldn't
do via raw telnet that I couldn't write an application to do (or that
applications don't already exist to do). 

Chris Scharff
Senior Sales Engineer
If you can't measure, you can't manage! 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Walden H. Leverich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 8:14 AM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Disabling telnet sessions to ports 25, 110...
> OK, let me see if I can restate my idea so as not to offend 
> those that think I don't know what I'm talking about.
> Wouldn't it be possible to write a proxy server that looked 
> at the packets received from whatever program was sending 
> them and checked to see if the data portion of the packet 
> contained only one byte. Any telnet application I've ever 
> seen (in telnet or RAW mode) sent the data you typed in to 
> the remote socket as you typed it (one byte at a time). On 
> the other hand any SMTP server I've ever seen sends the HELO 
> command in a single packet. Yes, it would be possible to 
> write a program that opened the socket and sent HELO in a 
> single packet, but that's more work that the average bear is 
> about to do. Also it wouldn't be a violation of the RFC for a 
> SMTP server to send the HELO command a byte at a time, but 
> I've never seen it.
> I understand the difference between the telnet protocol and 
> the telnet application, but tell me why my proposal wouldn't work.
> -Walden
> PS. I'm not arguing in favour of this, I think it's more work 
> that it's worth and you'd be disabling a _great_ debugging 
> tool, but the question was posed so I answered it. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 2:23 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Disabling telnet sessions to ports 25, 110...
> Well put...  People just have to realize that the TCP/IP is 
> not a flawless protocol, though it's the most popular.  So, 
> they have to live with it if there are things that they can't do.
> Andrew,
> MCSE (NT & W2K) + CCNA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Posted At: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:11 AM
> Posted To: NewsgroupDiscussion
> Conversation: Disabling telnet sessions to ports 25, 110...
> Subject: RE: Disabling telnet sessions to ports 25, 110...
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Walden H. Leverich wrote:
> > I know this wouldn't be easy, but what if you wrote a proxy 
> server for
> > port 25. That proxy server would look to see if it was receiving one
> > character at a time (implying telnet) or one line at a time 
> (implying 
> > another SMTP server).
>   Okay, let me try to kill this misconception once again.  :-)
>   There is a protocol called "Telnet", described in RFC-845 
> and RFC-855. It describes a "network teletype".
>   There is also a program called "Telnet".  It implements the 
> protocol described in RFC-845 and RFC-855.
>   The program called "Telnet" has a second mode of operation. 
>  If you pass a TCP port number as the second argument, 
> instead of opening a Telnet connection, it opens a raw TCP 
> connection to the host specified by the first argument.  This 
> connection *IS NOT* the Telnet protocol. It is simply one end 
> of a TCP stream.  When operating in this mode, the program is 
> indistinguishable from any other TCP program -- such as an 
> SMTP client.
>   When one speaks of "telneting to port 25", they really 
> mean, "using the 'Telnet' program to open a raw TCP 
> connection to port 25".
>   You cannot block this, any more than you can block just 
> Outlook Express version 5.00.2615.200 from connecting to TCP port 25.
>   Sorry, folks.  :-)
> -- 
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