"Better software by design."

They neglect to add, "But fvcked up by acquisition."


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Don Ely
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:36 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Computer Associates

It was Cheyenne back then and it did work well.  Hasn't worked well since CA
took it over.  Typical for any product CA has bought...

-----Original Message-----
From: Bare, Ronald A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:39 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Computer Associates

At the risk of being jumped on, I will make the following comments.

I used ArcServe for years with NOVELL and CCMail and it worked great then.
We never lost a file or mailbox that we couldn't get restored. The Technical
Support was always good and helpful. It has been a few years now since I had
that good experience with Arcserve as I have moved on to using Microsoft and
Exchange. I think the Arcserve company back then named Cheyenne.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lefkovics, William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 10:39 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Computer Associates

CA contacted me, concerned about posts I've made regarding their products.
In the past it has not been their policy to participate in these forums
because vendors aren't always treated very well.  They are reconsidering
this policy.

William Lefkovics, MCSE, A+, ExchangeMVP

Here is the list of ACTUAL quotes I assembled for them in response to their
sudden concern (I did not include names, but these are from public forums):

When someone made a comment like this:

-"We have bought Arcserve 2000 w/ the backup agent for Exchange to backup
our Exchange Server and have been having nothing but problems." - Saul,
October 10, 2001

The ACTUAL replies were as follows:

-"Do you really want us to go for the entire day about how HORRIBLE of a
product Jerkserv is/???? NTBACK2k [1] is 1000 times better. Return the
Jerkserv and install Backup Exec"

-"The best thing to do with CA products, is to place them in the dumpster,
where they belong."

-"We have been using Arcserve 2000 for awhile now and I would have to say
that it DOES SUCK."

-"why do people buy that program? I have never heard anyone say anything
nice about it?"

-"Don't get started on that crappy as*s piece of software."

Other comments about CA software, by those who actually use it:

-"Let me clue you in on something.  I've got a good friend at
CA - he told me that they have a bad time getting their E2K servers backed
using their product!!!!"

-"ArcCrap is exactly that...  Unreliable, no support, a pain in the arse,
breaks more than it fixes...  Shall I go on?"

-"Arcserve does an excellent job of backup things up, it's downfall is the
ability to restore things...."

-"Arcserve and anything is not a good choice."

-"I agree on Arcserve, which is the lowliest of backup products anyway."

-"Arcserve and a dumpster are a perfect fit."

-"There's only so much overtime one man can do, and my quota's fully taken
by using AarghServe"

-"Run away! Fast! Seriously. There are very few here who like working with
ANY CA products even if they inherit them, much less ask for them."

-"you can switch to arcserve if your current backup is too fast for you"

-"Running Innoculan was somewhat akin to flogging myself."

-"I've only purchased a few products from CA and the support was absolutely
horrid. I have had other system administrators with the same experience.
Most of the products themselves were very good until CA buys the company,
then the support seems to go down the tubes."

-"I can't seem to get ARCServe to back up my (WINNT 4.0 SP6) Exchange server
5.5 SP2 data files."

-"EjaculateIT has worked well for us as a desktop antivirus solution for our
office, but for the Exchange Agent, I'd recommend hiring a tibetan monk to
analyse code segments manually for viral patterns than ever recommend this
piece of crap clearly written by laid off AOL programmers."

-"The last time I remember any kind of success with ArcServe was when
Computer Associates didn't own it and it was running on Novell. Ever since
Computer Associates got involved, it has become unreliable garbage."

-"Yes, although usually alot of things tend to not work after a CA product
is installed."

-"When it comes time to update CA's stuff, maybe an alternative would be in
order here."

-"in my short time in the IT industry InoculateIT 4.53 is the worst piece of
software I have had the displeasure to work with. Closely followed by

-"I don't feel like playing with ArcServe**It right now."

-"I just started a new job. they have this SQL server that is all hosed up.
I uninstall JarkServ and it all worked better : > no more problems go

-"Don't use arcserve - its horrible."

-"We cannot get a good IS backup using ArcServe2000..."

-"Given the knowledge (or lack or it) exhibited by various CA techs, I trust
them about as far as I can throw them."

-"You hate ARCServe? Can't understand why. Don't you like being pummeled by
a brain-dead licensing and registration process that's just an extra added
bit of torture?"

-"when we moved to Exchange instead of Netscape Messaging Server, we
discovered that Arcserve wasn't too friendly"

-"If our damn Arcserve was working could have restored the whole box, but it
has been failing
for a while."

-"We use InocIT because the tech people aren't making enough of the buying
decisions around here. I would choose anything but InocIT. Actually I would
stay away from any CA product..."

-"A search on ArcServe's tech support FAQs revealed nothing."

-"licensing was the worst aspect of CAI products. Make that 2nd worst, after
tech support"

-"ArcWreckIT will do exactly that..."

-"Arcserve backups have been failing and I haven't got a backup."

-"this InoculateIT software sucks!"

-"I gave up using Arcserve 2000 - went back to using NTBackup, and then onto
Backup Exec."

-"I hate ArcServe... I am holding my breath until we get the new servers up
and running -- and they won't be using ArcServe."

-"I am a fully signed up member of the CA bashing bandwagon."

-"We unfortunately still use InnoculateIT on the desktops.  Innoculate
couldn't catch a virus if it were sprinkled with anthrax powder."

-"Unfortunately, yes, I have tried the CA support site.  Spent 3 hours going
round in circles on it trying to find a decent answer!!"

-"the answer would be, 'Anything but Arcserve.'"

-"Federal law prohibits using the words "CA", "Exchange" and "scan" in the
same sentence."

-"...having nothing at all is better than having InnoculateIT because then
you don't have a false sense of security?"

-"It tells me the Database is corrupted.  THANK YOU COMPUTER ASSOCIATES!"

-"It goes great with the Inoculan Antivirus and Log File Discombobulator
system from Compooter Assoshiates."

-"A similar thing happened to me when installing Computer Associate's
Inoculate IT according to the installation instructions on their CD.  I do
not recall exactly all the changes I made, but it had to do with permissions
and/or search privileges.  CA sent the "proper" installation instructions
via email saying, "Oh yeah, the instructions on the CD are wrong".  It still
took several hours with PSS to get things back to normal.... I don't know if
this helps or if is just another anti-CA rant."

-"We are trying to set up Arcserve 2000 to backup our Exchange 2000 server,
we have bought the Exchange backup agent but are having a hell of a time
trying to set it up!!!!"

-"ahem, I think that this just might be another quality CA experience."

-"We bought ARCserve but it's just sitting here, unused and unloved."

Still, I close with a Haiku discussion from an Exchange Discussions forum,
which in its own way summarizes sentiment about your products :

It's Five-Seven-Five
Your first line was only four
Go Punish yourself

I screwed up haiku
So must now punish myself
Installing arcserv

Installing Arcserve
Is not enough punishment
You must make it work.

And backup alone
Is not good enough either.
You must restore too.

And when you are done
Please call CA and let them
Know how you did it

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