OK, help
Im have a problem with OL2K and contacts, regarding phone number issues (yes
issues , the number are in therapy now)

when I enter say 5551212 for the fax number the lovely program( $^%^&!!...)
adds the...1+AREACODE to the entry thus when OL sends the message to
Exchange and then to the fax gateway, it see's 1(area code) 555-1212 and it
bomb's cause the loc number is 5551212 ...
I don't want the area code or the 1 if the number is entered as 5551212 in

Yep Technet'd myself and the cow's came home,still NFG
Q's 197264,265722,197065,289526 and a host of others
non of them seems to help.

Ideas, experience about this particular situation.


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