I need to move a pf structure (about 750 folders, about 3GB according to
outlook, however there should be lots of duplicated attachments) to
another server. All servers are 5.5sp4.

I thought it would be simple - from admin.exe, root folder of the
structure, add a replica to the new folder, propagate to the subfolders.
Check the public info stores in both server: Replication schedule is set
to always. Since this has some priority, lower the interval to 5 minutes
and push up the message size limit to 2MB (probably overkill).

Wait for full replication (has been a couple of days due to other
issues). Public store on the destination server has grown a lot, then
stopped (looking at the free space on the filesystem). Huh ? the public
store now seems to be about 8GB, outlook said 3GB (and there sould be
some SIS kicking in, too), after another day I've got (on the dest
server) 1221 events of 116MB free in public. Free space ??

Let's check the replication status:

source server\pf store\server replication status says: in sync 

on dest server says: local modified. Hmm I suppose this is because those
are live folders - users are working in some of them, in the original
copy on source server I suppose (since that one says in sync)

Let's check which folders exactly.

source server\pf store\folder replication status: huh ? Almost all of
those are "local modified", only 27 folders are in sync - should be at
least 50% due to the current usage pattern. Also, only 44 folders (only
2 of those are in sync) have a last received time, starting from the
moment I added the second replica to "now". All the other have a empty
entry in that column, although something must have been replicated since
the store on the dest server grew a lot more than the expected amount.

Check the same on the dest server: about 41 of those folders are listed,
all have a "last received time" listed, all are in sync except a couple.
Where are the others ?

Am I doing something wildly wrong or is it just a matter of time ?


-- Via Ferretto, 1            ph  x39-041-5907073
-- I-31021 Mogliano V.to (TV) fax x39-041-5907087

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