Its passing correct information. That's how PPP works - all non-local
traffic goes out the pipe.

Roger D. Seielstad - MCSE
Senior Systems Administrator
Peregrine Systems
Atlanta, GA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Ng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 12:33 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: NT4 RAS Related Issue ... please assist.
> Dear all,
> I understand that this is an Exchange discussion, however I 
> believe there are a number of NT Gurus amongst the group, I 
> hope everyone can assist me on this one, thanks in advance.
> I have a NT Server 4 machine (SP6a) that is running DHCP/WINS 
> (PDC). I install a Perle 4-Port Multimodem card into the 
> machine. The card is detected and the ports 2,3,4&5 are 
> created automatically via the software CD provided. I 
> reinstalled SP6a and following that, I installed the Remote 
> Access Server (Service) in network neighbourhood properties. 
> I selected the perle modem ports and assign for all to 
> "receive calls only", and with network attributes of "allow 
> unsecured password/allow clear text passwords", after which 
> the machine was again restarted and logged in.
> My Problem:
> - When a client dials in to the server, it connects and 
> authenticates the users, and a session is established, BUT 
> the IP address I received is as
> follows:
> IP Address - aaa.bbb.ccc.144 (eg.)
> Subnet Mask -
> Gateway - aaa.bbb.ccc.144
> The subnet mask is not correct (it is supposed to be 
> as configured in the DHCP Scope properties. 
> Why is this so???
> The server configuration is as follows:
> IP address:    aaa.bbb.ccc.11
> Subnet mask:
> Gateway:     aaa.bbb.ccc.1
> DNS:           aaa.bbb.ccc.10 (Server 2)
> It is running the following services
> 1) WINS/DHCP/RAS and the standard NT4 Server default 
> installed services
> What do I have to do to allow the DHCP to pass the IP address 
> info and other particulars to the users who are dialling in 
> to the server??? The users are configured with the lowest 
> security level to reduce complications (clear text password 
> allowed) and the clients range from Win95/98/NT/2000 with 
> dial up networking. I have done on both occasions to test - 
> tick and untick "IP Forwarding", but to no success. The major 
> problem is that Exchange server is running on Server 2, and 
> if the dial in users cannot get the right subnet mask etc. 
> they will be on separate networks and cannot ping or resolve 
> the Mail server address altogether. I have also tried 
> installing the "RIP for Internet Protocol" Service to test if 
> that would help with routing between the Network card and the 
> Perle card, but to no success.
> If anyone has any suggestions or have encountered a fix for 
> similar problems, please advise. All contributions from the 
> group is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> David Ng
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