If we are running an Intranet site on a Win2k Machine (IIS 5.0) that
requires NTLM authentication, is there a way to make a client browser
"remember" that it's already logged in properly when accessing a link on
the intranet to OWA 2000 (running on a separate machine - the E2k
server)?  It's frustrating to the users that they have to log in twice.
Alternatively, is there a way to put the Intranet site into the same
security boundary as OWA (just one logon for both)?  I really hate the
fact that there's no home page for OWA 2000.  I'm afraid of playing with
OWA too much, but I would love a more elegant solution.  Also, if anyone
knows some solid links to check out regarding this sort of thing, please
post 'em.  I've been to swynk and slipstick, but the stuff that seems to
relate to this is more for programmers, and i'm more of a network type. 

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