Boy can I crash Exchange servers like the best. This one is a E2K, on Win
2K, both SP2. All lastes Hotfixes from Running Trend
Scanmail for E2K.System was running fine for 1 year now, out of now where
this. Did activate TS licenses on this server yesterday, but that's it.
Have you heard of this issue?  If so, I am really looking for what it means.
What other troubleshooting steps can I take?
Found article Q296151,  but that is not my exact issue. The error number
listed is 0x80044501. That is not my error #.

Also what does it mean when it says, "
Click the Security tab, and then click the Exchange service account.
Click View information store , click Administer information store , and then
set the permissions.
Reset the Administrative Group's service account. "

What is the Exchange service account? That might be my issue, I don't have
one, just the Exchange Admin account.

Do I need to create a E2K service acct.?

Issue: -->
Source: MSExchangeFBPublish
Event ID: 8213
Description: System Attendant Service failed to create session for virtual
machine exchange. The error number is 0xc10306ce.

Thank you,
- John Q

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