Hi All,

I've got a very strange situation with reading a msg in an E2K mailbox using
CDO 1.21.  I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can offer any suggestions
or point me to resources/forums that can help.


I have a few msg coming in to an E2K SP2 mailbox that, while are perfectly
readable by Outlook 2000, generate the following error when I try to
retrieve oMsg.text using CDO 1.21:

OLE IDispatch exception code 17389 from Collaboration Data Objects: 
The client operation failed. 
[Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store - 

I can retrieve other props like oMsg.subject without any problem.

The only common characteristic of these problem msg that I have been able to
determine so far is that they are all:
        -- replies
        -- come from latin america

The same code works fine for 95+% of the inbound msg, and has been working
for several years.

This same msg opens fine in OL2000.  The body text looks fine, no garbage or
other problems.  Based on OL, it "appears" to be plain text (Format menu has
"Plain Text" checked).  Here are the relevant Internet headers from OL |
View | Options:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000


Server: SBS2K W2K SP2, E2K SP2, root DC (has to be since it's SBS)
RAM:            512 MB
Free HD space:  12 GB

Application:    Developed using VFP7 SP1 with CDO 1.21

Originally developed for WinNT4 with E5.5 several years ago.  EXE compiled
and built on W2K Pro SP2 that has Outlook 2000 installed.  Exchange Server
for test environment is E5.5.

Here is example of code that generates the error:

loSession       = CreateObject('Mapi.Session')
loIB            = loSession.Inbox                       && Inbox Object
loIBMsgColl     = loIB.Messages                 && Collection of IBox
loIBMsg = loIBMsgColl.GetFirst()        && Message Object
lcSubject       = loIBMsg.subject                       && works fine
lcBody  = loIBMsg.text                  && generates error

Best Regards,

Jim Underwood

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