Short term --
 I would use "Message Filtering" on your Exchange bridgehead and put iun
filters for and to kill them all.  I understand this will
likely get rid of some legitimate emails, but I know of no other way to kill
mass quantities of SPAM.  

Long term - 
I would also think seriously about getting some content filtering software
(MIMESweeper, eManager, etc.)

Nate Couch
EDS Messaing

> ----------
> From:         Tom Gilbert
> Reply To:     Exchange Discussions
> Sent:         Thursday, August 29, 2002 05:32
> To:   Exchange Discussions
> Subject:      Anything I can do?
> Anything I can do?
> CRAFTY SPAMMING - still going on this morning
> Yesterday, all afternoon someone has been sending out Mortgage Loan SPAM
> to thousands of users on MSN and AOL. 
> To make matters worse, they are forging in the mail header, OUR Mail
> Server address as the
> Sender and the Reply addresses... so when any mail gets bounced - which is
> plenty
> MSN and AOL mail servers send the error message back to "sending mail
> server"  or "us"
> I have been getting about 20 error messages back per MINUTE. It also fills
> up my Exchange Log file
> I finally setup a rule to permanently delete them - I had over 1200 but
> this prevents me seeing legitimate error messages.  My inbox flashes every
> few seconds as it come in and then gets deleted.
> I was hoping that they will have given up by this morning, but it goes on
> ARGGHHH what a waste of time and energy...
> FYI:  There is also something called Mail Relay, where hackers use your
> mail server to actually send the message
> but I checked with some internet mail relay testers and our server will
> not allow it.
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