I have an Exchange 2000 server that was working fine for the last year.  We use a 
public folder as a central contacts folder for our business.  Since this morning, some 
users (not all) can't modify or create contacts to this folder, but other can.  No 
changes were made on the server nor on the workstations (Windows 2000 using Outlook 
2000 to connect to Exchange).

The exact error message that users get is: "The item could not be saved to this 
folder. The folder has been deleted or moved, or you do not have permission. Do you 
want to save a copy of it in the default folder for the item?"

I checked users' rights on the folder and they are all editor (wich as not changed 
since folder creation).

My question:  What can be the problem and is there a way to fix it?

BTW, Folder contains 2844 items and his size is 399330k.  Is this too big for a 
contact folder?

Thanks for your help!
Albert Charron 
Trisotech Inc.

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