Hi Folks,

I have plans to create almost a big Exchange 2000 environment. And I have
some open question where I need more a real life answers than MS-white

At first I will create own AD site for Exchange 2000, so users logons will
go other sites. Also I thought to install GCs on the same servers than
Exchanges are. I haven't seen any good answers we should I not to do this.
Backup/recovery might be one and if I have problems with GC, but still...

But if I use GCs on the same server, then I might have better performance
from GC, less users and only one Exchange per GC. Maybe I need one server
more to decrease user counts on one server, but it should not be so big.
So I don't need so much hardware. And now it is very easy to dedicate one
GC per one Exchange 2000 servers.

If I use separated GC servers:
MS recommends using one CPU in GC against four Exchange servers, which
have one CPU. This sounds like no matter how many users we will have in
Exchange servers ? If I have eight servers where are 10 users in each one.
Do I still need two GC servers (assuming that servers are one CPU

Is here anyone who have more than ~3500 users per server which is not
clustered ? May I hear any comments from you, how it really works ? How
often you are rebooting your servers or unmounting databases ? Was it SLA
your only argument when you planned storage groups and databases ?

  best regards

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